25. Irresistible Offers

Season #1

In this weeks Podcast is all about irresistible offers and if you have any in your business right now. This is a perfect time to discuss this with Black Friday fast approaching, but instead of thinking of having a one day/ time offer, why don't you look at having a menu of offers in your business that you can use all the time. Particularly right now with current climate. 

If you listened to my Podcast last week I talked about how you could use Trial Classes as a tool to bring customers into your world. Once you have got them through the doors on the trial classes to get them across the finish line you need to make them an irresistible offer. It needs to be so irresistible that the customer just can't say no.  

I’ve been asked by a lot of providers if I would share my strategy, so I created a presentation and recorded a 15 minute training session for you. As a Gift from me to you, its available right now for just £5.99. This simple strategy, will give you the best chance of converting those trials into paid bookings. The link below, takes you straight to my shop.


For more tips and advice on How to Grow & Scale Your Children's Activity Business then join my FREE Facebook Group today!

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Enjoy this episode. 
