There is an easier way to market your children's business to parents, guardians and educators.

introducing the

More customers. More sales. More organised.
More time. Zero stress.



Support made for children's businesses

It’s a bit crowded in the children’s activity market, isn’t it?  How do you attract customers consistently and keep them coming back for more?   How’s your business supposed to stand out?

The Market Like a Pop Star Course helps children’s activity business owners like you to market their business like a pro and stand out in a very busy market place by showing you how to get the attention of the parents, guardians and educators (and their children) who are ready to invest in your activities.

Highly effective training delivered in short instruction videos with expert coaching support from me, Krissy Monaghan - award-winning coach and children’s business owner.  


Which of these applies to you?

Are you a new business owner?

You’re new to the children's activity sector and excited to get started but there’s so much to think about it’s all a bit overwhelming. You want to set marketing systems in place from the word go to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

Are you doing all the things?

You’ve been running your business for a while, you’re doing all the things but nothing seems to be attracting new customers. You’re frustrated because you just don’t know what else you can do so you’re looking for some expert marketing support and guidance.

Are you ready to scale?

Things are going well for you. You want to grow your business but don’t want to waste time reinventing the wheel when you can follow the systems of an industry expert who’s done it multiple times before.

If you can relate to any of this, you're in the right place!

What's so special about the Market Like a Pop Star Course?


Unlike a generic course, it’s specifically designed for children’s business owners. You won’t have to work out what bits will suit your business because everything applies to you.

It’s tried and tested, not just by me in my businesses but by people just like you. Children’s activity owners have signed up over the past year and are all being rewarded for the efforts they put in.

The course is easy to follow, there’s no jargon and it’s not all theory, I’ll show you how to implement what you learn into your business. I know that you’ve got a lot on your plate so each module is broken down into manageable chunks. Do the work at a pace that suits you and enjoy the results. It’s that simple!

You’ll never be alone. From the moment you join the course, I'm available at the end of an email so you never have to feel stuck or overwhelmed. Help is always available.

All the systems and processes can be leveraged for growth. Set the foundations in place and you have the opportunity to scale your business and marketing model in the same way that I did with my Mess Around franchise. There is no limit to how big or small you can go, it’s entirely up to you.

'Market Like a Pop Star is the course I needed 10 years ago, not just when I started my businesses but when I was scaling them too!’ 

Krissy Monaghan


Imagine this... 

  • Your marketing is working like a dream and your activities are fully booked.


  • Your confidence has come back and you really believe in yourself.


  • Your business systems are so organised and automated that you don’t have to think about them all the time.


  • If you’re struggling with something, you can just ask for advice or direction.


  • You have more time for yourself, your family and your friends.

Don't just take my word for it. Here's what my founding members have to say...


Introducing the Market Like A Pop Star Course

  • Get the support you need from somebody who has successfully built children's activity businesses from the ground up, so that you never have to feel like you’re all alone ever again.
  • Learn how to use a proven marketing strategy effectively, step by step, so that your voice is heard above the noise and get back your mojo.
  • Get life time access to over 60 Market Like a Pop Star video tutorials and come back to them as often as you like.
  • Finally know that you have somebody in your corner that can guide you in the right direction and who will help you make the right decisions for the good of you and your business.
  • Learn how to create content and marketing assets that speak directly to the customer of your dreams.

Are you ready to level up?


Transform your business

Louise joined Market Like a Pop Star in May 2022 and is sprinting ahead in her business.


What's in the course

Training Modules

Access to my how-to training modules made up of 60 short training videos with accompanying worksheets. Everything is laid out for you to follow step-by-step so you can watch at your own pace and rewatch whenever you need to.
Once you’ve learned the ropes, you will never look back and everything you have learned, you will use again and again


Transform your business

Robyn joined the course in May and hit the ground running selling over 2000 places for her Summer Holiday Club. 


Understanding your business

What makes you tick and why? We are going to dive into your business and see where you bestarted, where you are now and where you want to go. It's a roller coaster ride of discovery.


Understanding your customer

Let's get to know your customer in a way you've never thought of before with my highly effective customer avatar mapper. We need to make sure you are saying the right things to the right people at the right time in your marketing material. 

Brand building

Building a brand is not easy and it doesn't happen over night. Learn what it takes to get it right and make your business stand out from the crowd. 

Tools of the trade

You can only be as effective as the tools you use. I'm going to show you the tool set that you need to Market Like A Pop Star and get your talent noticed, your classes filled and your business back on track.

Creating captivating content

Learning how to create content that excites your customers and shows off the best of what you have to offer, takes time to perfect. I'm going to teach you what you need to know to get your message heard, loud and clear.

Optimising for success

Social media these days offers unprecedented opportunities for marketing your business, but if you don't use the tools correctly, you might get missed. I'm going to teach you how to set up your systems for success.

Market Like a Pop Star

By the end of the course you will have armed yourself with all of the tools, knowledge and knowhow necessary to present your business to the world stage, effectively and efficiently, in a way that will speak directly to the type of customer that you want walking through your door.


Time to invest in yourself and your business?


Hello, I'm Krissy

I’m an award-winning children’s activity provider, speaker, coach and expert marketer. 

I’ve helped many children’s business owners to master their marketing and consistently sell out their classes by attracting customers who value what they do and tell all their friends.

But not so long ago, I was standing where you are now. 

For over 10 years, I've walked the walk… as director of a children’s charity, franchisee, master franchisee and franchisor with a fantastic UK-wide network. My children’s activity business, Mess Around, scaled to over 40 franchisees in 5 years. 

Now, I use my proven framework in Market Like a Pop Star where I train amazing business owners how to effectively and sustainably grow their own successful children’s businesses.


Transform your business

Tammy joined Market Like a Pop Star Course in May 2022 and hasn’t looked back. Watch what she has to say about working with Krissy.



Market Like A Pop Star Course

Buy today for just £499 

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Join us in Market Like a Pop Star